Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Overdue Assignment...

Hawaiian Lifeguard Station
Originally uploaded by juzjc.

Was passed from someone to do this in which the passer commented, "well, if u insist but they'll never ever in a million years ever ever do this...".
Here's to u, ValLau.

1) What was I doing 10 years back:
4 April 1996 was my 1st Year of Uni. Doing my twinning then with Sepang Institute of Technology at Klang Parade. Had to travel 70kms a day to & fro because my parents didnt want me away from home... (Sad: Didnt get freedom, Happy: My parents miss me & love me enough to provide a car for me to travel in). What else would a 19yr old teenager be doing besides enjoying life & spending parents' hard earned money ('now i know' - especially when almost all my income is channelled to my baby who is 'not even capable' to ask for things yet...)

2) What was I doing 1 year back:
Exciting time! Found out i was to be a daddy soon with absolutely no clue of the awesome challenges of a lifetime ahead for me... Starting work at a whole new environment for me - Executive Search, Headhunting, what's that?...

3) 5 snacks I enjoy:
The Five deadly Cs!
1. Chocolates.
2. Cream-Ice.
3. Cakes.
4. Cookies.
5. Chips.

4) 5 songs I know all the lyrics off my head right now:
1. Jesus Loves Me This I Know
2. My God Is So Big
3. Shepherd Of My Soul
4. I Love You Lord
5. Jesus Loves The Little Children
All time favourites when I have to bathe my kid or put him to sleep. Had to sing to him to calm him down when he cries...

5) 5 things I would do if I am a millionaire:
1. Thank God & give my Tithes.
2. Invest wisely for recurring Income.
3. Quit my job & travel for a while.
4. Buy my parents their dream home.
5. Invest into God's Kingdom.

6) 5 Bad Habits:
1. 4 Letter Word - LATE
2. Love to Sleep
3. Ask people to do things for me
4. Procrastinate
5. Talk without Going through the Brains

7) 5 things I love to do:
1. Play games & sports
2. Watch movies
3. Listen to music
4. Chat up with Loved ones & Friends
5. Pack my house - still trying to start

8) 5 things you would never wear, buy or get new again:
1. skirt & blouse
2. clogs
3. anything from animal skin or fur
4. yellow boots
5. japanese slippers

9) 5 favourite "toys":
1. iBook
2. DigiCam - saving for a DSLR
3. Board Games
4. Home Theatre System
5. Racquet Games

Hmmm... didnt thot it was quite a challenge until u really do it! ;)
Thatz all for now, folksss... a little more of Me-Self.


Blogger val said...

wow u did it afterall! hahaha! unbelievable!


9:10 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:09 pm  

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