Thursday, April 20, 2006

There's Seasons for Everything I Guess...

Originally uploaded by juzjc.

This photo is the best i can envision to incorporate the colours of various seasons, except maybe for winter.
Winter? Thatz the season that i feel has suddenly turned after a time of Spring last week where my Business Meetings (BM) were in abundance. I guess i could have slacken in the midst of preparing & going for those meetings that i did not kept the momentum & number of BMs this week.
Was juz sharing with the Church Last Night about Drawing Near to God and enquiring of Him in the things we do & decisions we make. How often & quickly can we be when good things happen and we forget about God or when things turns so bad that we think He wouldn't be there to save us...
The truth is, seasons change but the good news is Jesus never change! Thus, no matter what seasons of lives we are at, God is alwiz there to see us thru.
Hmmm... does this sound like some mundane ramblings of a 'Sanguine' with volatile emotions? Probably so.
Okiesss... better knock off for the day now. Need to give Gideon his evening bath! ;)
Oh yeah... do remember to pray for Healing for Gideon's Eczema (Sensitive Skin) and not forgetting for me to have enough Business Meetings to keep the 'Sales' coming in! Thanks lotsss.


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