Thursday, April 20, 2006

There's Seasons for Everything I Guess...

Originally uploaded by juzjc.

This photo is the best i can envision to incorporate the colours of various seasons, except maybe for winter.
Winter? Thatz the season that i feel has suddenly turned after a time of Spring last week where my Business Meetings (BM) were in abundance. I guess i could have slacken in the midst of preparing & going for those meetings that i did not kept the momentum & number of BMs this week.
Was juz sharing with the Church Last Night about Drawing Near to God and enquiring of Him in the things we do & decisions we make. How often & quickly can we be when good things happen and we forget about God or when things turns so bad that we think He wouldn't be there to save us...
The truth is, seasons change but the good news is Jesus never change! Thus, no matter what seasons of lives we are at, God is alwiz there to see us thru.
Hmmm... does this sound like some mundane ramblings of a 'Sanguine' with volatile emotions? Probably so.
Okiesss... better knock off for the day now. Need to give Gideon his evening bath! ;)
Oh yeah... do remember to pray for Healing for Gideon's Eczema (Sensitive Skin) and not forgetting for me to have enough Business Meetings to keep the 'Sales' coming in! Thanks lotsss.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

My Business Meetings 2Day!

Porsche 911 Carrera
Originally uploaded by juzjc.

It was a memorable day today... jumping in & out of one business meetings (BM) after another. It was a record 5 back-to-back meetings i've had since joining my current company. My target is to have 10 BMs a week & having 5 a day is fantastic... means there's higher posibilities of converting potentials to clients.
Anyways, how does a Porsche got to do with all these?! My first destination this morning was Auto Eurokars at Glenmarie. One of the cars they sell is Porsche. And Porsche is my beloved wife's 'Dream Car'. I guess itz juz gonna be a dream coz i've got better plans to spend RM1.2million! ;)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Playstation II Craze

Winning Eleven - 7
Originally uploaded by juzjc.

This has been the IN-Thing amongst my colleagues lately... the coming World Cup has all but fuelled the enthusiasm of this soccer game which can be rather addictive. Many plans has been set and postponed due to the availability of as many people as possible to join in the game. Me, being one of the 'live of the party' has difficulty gaining my "visa" approval to be with the guys for the game thus we couldn't meet up often for a game together. ;)
It's really amusing how something like this can unite guys for one common purpose of enjoying the game together!
Just like how Jesus Christ has become the main REASON and centre of ATTRACTION Christians all over the world to gather & spread His good news!!!
Reminds me to be a light of the world & the salt of the earth for Jesus. :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Fancy a Donut?

Dunkin Donuts
Originally uploaded by juzjc.

Quite impressed wif their variety of 'Doughnuts'... do u know they have 60 over outlets in Malaysia & growing? and they are wholly owned & not franchised? how about they've been in Malaysia for 19 years? is it obvious they are from US?
Anyways, these knowledge comes with the job of looking for 'everyone' who wants to use a Headhunter to find people for them! ;)

Arsenal are Through...

Arsenal Logo
Originally uploaded by juzjc.

Had a good day... started with witnessing my favourite football club made it to the Semifinal of the Champions League, a club history btw. Praying for them to go through all the way to be the Champion! :)
Of course, by witnessing them means being awake from 3-5am this morning... thus the whole day was being like a zombie for me. Thank God i was still sane and awake to deliver in my work.
Had an appointment with my client today at their premises - Dunkin Donuts, Mid Valley. Now, was just giving it a shot that they will opt for using Headhunters like me... trust me, we're 'expensive'! Keeping fingers crossed that we can work together with them. They do have great plans ahead.......
Also managed to had lunch with Joseph & his colleagues - the Mee Goreng opposite Starbucks at MV is quite delicious.
Not forgetting i succeeded to stay awake to get the gifts for my sis-in-law & nephew... Phew! it was a challenge indeed to look for presents for loved ones, especially for perfectionist like me... almost impossible until my 'Choleric' temperament took over to Just Buy the Presents. ;)
Well... thatz all from me today.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Gideon's Progress...

Gideon Smile
Originally uploaded by juzjc.

Before i knock off for today... A little update on Gideon's progress - taken during his Fullmoon. He's 5 days to 5 months old, wow! it seems so quickly.
Well, kids - here you go, grows so fast right before your eyes which also means, i'm getting older. :(
Have a great day!!!

Overdue Assignment...

Hawaiian Lifeguard Station
Originally uploaded by juzjc.

Was passed from someone to do this in which the passer commented, "well, if u insist but they'll never ever in a million years ever ever do this...".
Here's to u, ValLau.

1) What was I doing 10 years back:
4 April 1996 was my 1st Year of Uni. Doing my twinning then with Sepang Institute of Technology at Klang Parade. Had to travel 70kms a day to & fro because my parents didnt want me away from home... (Sad: Didnt get freedom, Happy: My parents miss me & love me enough to provide a car for me to travel in). What else would a 19yr old teenager be doing besides enjoying life & spending parents' hard earned money ('now i know' - especially when almost all my income is channelled to my baby who is 'not even capable' to ask for things yet...)

2) What was I doing 1 year back:
Exciting time! Found out i was to be a daddy soon with absolutely no clue of the awesome challenges of a lifetime ahead for me... Starting work at a whole new environment for me - Executive Search, Headhunting, what's that?...

3) 5 snacks I enjoy:
The Five deadly Cs!
1. Chocolates.
2. Cream-Ice.
3. Cakes.
4. Cookies.
5. Chips.

4) 5 songs I know all the lyrics off my head right now:
1. Jesus Loves Me This I Know
2. My God Is So Big
3. Shepherd Of My Soul
4. I Love You Lord
5. Jesus Loves The Little Children
All time favourites when I have to bathe my kid or put him to sleep. Had to sing to him to calm him down when he cries...

5) 5 things I would do if I am a millionaire:
1. Thank God & give my Tithes.
2. Invest wisely for recurring Income.
3. Quit my job & travel for a while.
4. Buy my parents their dream home.
5. Invest into God's Kingdom.

6) 5 Bad Habits:
1. 4 Letter Word - LATE
2. Love to Sleep
3. Ask people to do things for me
4. Procrastinate
5. Talk without Going through the Brains

7) 5 things I love to do:
1. Play games & sports
2. Watch movies
3. Listen to music
4. Chat up with Loved ones & Friends
5. Pack my house - still trying to start

8) 5 things you would never wear, buy or get new again:
1. skirt & blouse
2. clogs
3. anything from animal skin or fur
4. yellow boots
5. japanese slippers

9) 5 favourite "toys":
1. iBook
2. DigiCam - saving for a DSLR
3. Board Games
4. Home Theatre System
5. Racquet Games

Hmmm... didnt thot it was quite a challenge until u really do it! ;)
Thatz all for now, folksss... a little more of Me-Self.

I am Back!!!

jC Toddler
Originally uploaded by juzjc.

Itz been 137 Days since my last post... Wow! Either time flew by or i was oblivious to the happenings around me. With my 'New Kid on the Block'; time, space, nights, sleep, privacy & freedom seems to be absent from my current vocabulary. Nevertheless, the joy & pride he brought is worth it all. Not to forget that He's a special gift from God where God still comes first! :)
Just trying to make myself believe and accept the fact that Gideon looks like the adorable toddler in the picture. Well, i guess we all have our own opinions... ;)
So, i'm back... and u can expect more updated and frequent posts from me nowadays, 'insya Allah' - God willing. :D